Assisting Dubai-based organisation in building a platform, that acts as a community of empowered women, connecting them to experts and mentors, and helping them celebrate women’s voices

L&D helped in establishing their website, assisting them in the post-production of their podcast ‘diving for pearls’ in Season 1 and later becoming a partner in Season 2, and facilitating digital marketing campaigns to spread brand awareness. 

Bella & Bella Producitons

The Team: Dawn, Lee, Gina

Visit Website

The Purpose Behind the Project 

For Bella & Bella, our main goal was to portray a sense of belonging and comfort for all women, while at the same time encouraging them to strive towards their goal. 

The purpose of the website was to help the community of young girls and women prosper, and reach a wider audience who can then in turn partner up with the organisation and provide their services to help these budding entrepreneurs. 

Bella & Bella was created on the concept of women empowering women. The platform helps women entrepreneurs with different aspects of their businesses. These aspects can range from assistance for opening a new business, upscaling a current business model, mental support and aid for struggling entrepreneurs and business owners, etc. With their widespread network of industry connections, Bella & Bella’s main goal is to help women everywhere achieve their dreams. 

Along with working on-ground to strengthen and empower women, the organisation has also birthed the Bella & Bella Production House which focuses on spreading awareness on women’s issues, understanding how to navigate the business world as a female, and maintaining the general physical and mental wellbeing of a woman of any age, through their media production, mainly their hit podcast ‘diving for pearls’, that interviews inspiring women and posts their stories.

The Challenge and the Solution

Challenge: Our main challenge revolved around establishing a compelling sense of trust among these women regarding our platform and our community.

The Solution and the Process Behind It

In collaboration with Harriet Watt, we organised a highly successful one-day conference. 

It being our first time undertaking an event, we faced multiple challenges, such as working within a tight timeframe to meticulously orchestrate the event, ensuring the attendance of esteemed individuals and effectively reaching our intended target audience. Additionally, we navigated the process of securing necessary rights and adeptly managed the logistical intricacies, including catering arrangements. 

It was a learning experience for the L&D team, as we deliberately chose to accept complete ownership of the seminar, eschewing the involvement of an external event management agency.

The Process

  • Planning and Preparing

While planning for the branding, we decided various ways how we can promote the community. This is where we came up with the idea and the plan for for groundbreaking podcast ‘Diving for Pearls’. 

  • Creation and Ideation

We were in complete control of the branding, and took charge for all aspects including logo design, pre and post production of the podcast, publishing, and marketing. 

  • First Drafts and Discussions

Post the decided time frame, we met again with the first drafts, and make sure we are headed in the same direction creatively and strategically. The idea was to bring forth a combined image of ‘women empowering women’.  

  • Second Draft and Sign Off

The final products were showcased to Bella & Bella, and post their sign-off we proceeded to seal the work in place. 

  • Finalising the End Product 

Once all aspects of the product design were finalised, we started preparing for the launch of the podcast. 

The Result

We were successfully able to launch a hit platform and podcast that allowed the wonderful women on their team to showcase their sense of solidarity. Our seminar saw immense networking and we were able to collect a great amount of data. We used collated this data into a WhatsApp group that continues to act as a platform where women can share their concerns, reach out, collaborate, and help each other grow.