Assisting a Dubai based travel company in branding their website and reaching a wider group of potential customers. Routes of Dubai was established in 2022 to curate itineraries based in the Middle-Eastern country that would allow travellers to get a taste of the traditional Emirati culture and hidden, local, and offbeat destinations.

Routes of Dubai

The Team: Vasanth, Dawn, Madhurima, Rushikesh

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The Purpose Behind the Project 

One of the main goal of our branding mission was to create a logo that appropriately captures the essence of the city of Dubai, what lies in its core, and the brand’s association with the same. 

When a potential customer opened their website or social media handle, through the very first look, we wanted to establish a connection between tourism in Dubai and Routes of Dubai’s ultimate purpose and passion.

The Challenge

Dubai is a city that is swarming with tourism groups, therefore, our main challenge was to give this fresh new travel company with a zeal of exploring the unexplored tastes of the city a unique look and feel that sets them apart from the other travel groups. 

We decided to start with the defining feature of a brand — the logo. The RoD logo underwent several sketch changes until we finally arrived at the amalgamation of our clients’ purpose that represented Dubai perfectly.

The Solution and the Process Behind It

Our solution was to create a logo that embodied Dubai tourism in all form. We decided to pick the simplest, yet the most underrated aspect of the city, which are, its streets. The logo is a combination of arrows denoting the multifaceted  highlights of the city, telling potential customers, that with Routes of Dubai, one can ‘go anywhere’. The dotted lines also represent the ever-twisting and turning highstreets of the city which often goes unnoticed and unappreciated when complimenting Dubai’s futuristic architectures.

The Process

  • Planning and Preparing

It started with assembling the team who will be working on the project and debriefing them about the brand, the product, and the intended results. 

  • Creating an Idea Book

The team then came up with a word book that would contain the information about the brand that we want to highlight, and that we want SEO to pick up. For Routes of Dubai, these words were culture, travel, offbeat, adventure, traditional, local, and adrenaline.  

Using Figma, we designed the mood board for the website information.

  • First Drafts and Discussions

Post the decided time frame, we met again with the first drafts, and make sure we are headed in the same direction creatively and strategically. The idea was to bring forth a combined image of ‘exploring Dubai through its varying landscape, and immersing oneself into the Emirati culture’. 

  • Second Draft and Sign Off

The final products were showcased, and we got a sign-off from the RoD team, on the website and branding details including our logo, and thus the work was sealed in place. 

  • Finalising the End Product 

Once all aspects of the product design were finalised, we started preparing for the launch, by setting up detailed schedules and creating a press release

The Result

The Founder & CEO was extremely pleased with our brand designs especially our witty take on the logo. The L&D team was successfully able to establish the ‘Routes of Dubai’ brand and the company has now started full blown operations in the city, and is currently open for all kinds of tour bookings.